PaY Summer Internship
The PaY Summer Internship Program provides internship grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the local community. Each host organization is matched with a PaY student who conducts a special project designed by the organization while providing mentorship, guidance, and support to the students.

Apply for the
PaY Summer Internship Program
Whether you are a student wanting to apply for the program or you are a nonprofit wanting to host intern, choose from the buttons below for application details and instructions.
Important Dates:
Saturday, February 1 - Student Applications Open
Friday, March 21 - Host Applications Close
Tuesday, April 1 - Student Applications Close
Tuesday, May 6 - Placements Announced
Tuesday, May 13 - PaY Internship Kick-Off
Monday, June 9 - Internship Orientation
Tuesday, June 24 - Site Visit
Tuesday, July 1 - Site Visit
Thursday, July 10 - PaY Leadership Camp at Young Life Castaway Club
Tuesday, July 15 - Site Visit
Thursday, July 24 - TEDxFargo
Thursday, July 31 - Philantrhopy: Forward Trollwood Social
Friday, August 8 - PaY Internship Celebration

Watch the 2024 Internship Celebration Replay

PaY Internship
Watch the 2024
Internship Celebration Replay
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View the PaY Summer Internship Booklets